When and why hire Workforce Management Consultants?


In an environment of high competition, it is increasingly common for companies to bet on the external Labor Management Consultants of certain services, the so-called outsourcing, as a channel to reduce costs and be able to devote more time to other strategic functions on the path to excellence.

One of the areas most prone to outsourcing tasks is the Human Resources department, due to the great evolution registered by this sector, which has gone from being the mere payroll and contract processor to play a fundamental role in the strategy and organization business, the improvement of the competence of the teams, the promotion of work motivation and the promotion of talent.

But, and if it is so important, why bet on human resources companies outside our organization?

The Connors Group is one of the leading companies in the field of HR and labor management consultants. Let us know why should you hire our services

Reasons to hire our service – Workforce Management Consultants:

Thanks to the hiring of Workforce Management Consultants, our company will be able to benefit from a series of advantages:

At the tactical level:

• Reduce costs and convert fixed expenses into variables.

• Obtain a larger and more modern catalog of Human Resources services.

• Optimize operational efficiency.

• Share economic risks with the collaborating entity.

At the strategic level:

• Allow the concentration of efforts on more relevant objectives.

• Boost the efficiency and productivity of the company.

• Improve Human Resources management, thanks to our specialized and updated staff.

When and to what extent to bet on outsourcing of Human Resources companies?

For the hiring of Industrial Engineering Consultants to be a success that benefits our company, we must first define what are the functions of this area that directly enrich the organization and are connected with the company’s leitmotiv, the so-called core competencies ‘or core, and what are mere support tasks, which influence the company to a lesser extent.

Thus, for example, Personnel matters, such as payroll and contract management, bring together up to 70% of the time of a Human Resources department, but in themselves, they offer little value to the company. So, why don’t we hire Workforce Management Consultants to take care of these procedures and dedicate the time it took to other more profitable objectives for the organization?

It is, in short, that we raise this issue in all areas of the department: recruitment, legal advice, training, recruitment, health and hygiene at work, outplacement, e-learning, among others and develop a map of processes where we specify what tasks, for its value to the company, we will develop internally and which we will delegate to Human Resources companies.