“ I SUPPORT PRISON REFORM .COM ’’ has first hand experience dealing with the justice system and exoneration since 2013. It is an effort to make progress regarding condition of the prisons, requesting the concerned authorities for a better penal system or finding creative solutions to the incarceration. We also highlight the importance of reinstatement of people whose lives are affected by crimes.
We believe that being ethical in any given solution should be a priority in this modern era. We need to get used to the idea of having habitable living spaces even for those who are convicted for crimes because in the end they are still human. What makes us human is feeling the pain of others, sensing their vulnerability and helping them get through the tough situations. Empathy is a much needed sword in this fight for ethics.
Prisons are easily neglected when it comes to inhabiting the space on ethical grounds. Unsafe and unsanitary prisons are a violation of law prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment. Therefore we have been trying to get everyones attention towards the idea of prison reform by encouraging active participation. Known celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Alyssa Milano, Van Jones, Rio Appling, Kevin Hart, Common made platforms to aid reform and bring a high level of awareness. President Trump supports the First Step Act by pushing Congress and passed the landmark criminal justice reform bill.
We have plenty of ideas for “ I SUPPORT PRISON REFORM”, some of them related to increased access to jobs, legal counsel and family and conjugal visits along with better security against violence. We are also working towards implementation of house arrest with new found technology.
When in the past prisons were used just for primary punishment, the matters were not that grave. In even earlier times, there were gruesome ways to deal with those convicted. These consisted of corporal punishment, public humiliation, penal repression, and expulsion for more serious cases.
What we aim to do is bring back justice to the system. Prisons consist of both felons and debtors, the latter having more rights to getting visitors and attaining legal services in general. Therefore the systems must allow for flexibility instead of a rigid, corrupted framework which is being adopted by masses these days. Often frustrated by low wages, the jailers try making money on the side by charging the inmates for food and drink. The reforms we are trying to achieve are not accepted whole heartedly by the police departments because it would mean changing these spaces from their roots. The creation London Bridewell was the only place made for women and children with the provision of any medical services.
We are running campaigns on social networking platforms such as www.isupportprisonreform.com , Instagram under the tagline ‘I support Prison Reform’ #isupportprisonreform. Kim Kardashian is using her money, power, respect showing love to raise awareness about the issues faces within prisons by the inmates so people can join hands in helping to build a world where justice is served. She is doing an amazing job at it and we are expected to receive a large coverage from media sources.
Get more information, please visit https://www.isupportprisonreform.com/