Guberman-PMC Stands Proudly as the Only Independent Quality & ISO Consulting Firm Free From Foreign Entanglements


Guberman-PMC registrars gives their quality-concerned customers a long list of benefits without the drawbacks of working with quality and ISO companies affiliated with foreign associations of dubious ethics and actions. In a new video Daryl Guberman breaks the main benefits down clearly.

New York, NY – USA, July 18, 2019 — What should a company look for in a quality consultant and ISO registrar? That is a very good question answered by the founder and CEO of Guberman-PMC, the nations’s leading independent quality and manufacturing consulting company and the only one that has remained free from joining quality associations with ties to extremist foreign, anti-American, countries. In exciting news for new businesses or for those wanting to make a smart move from the quality company they are currently working with, Guberman delivered a good overview of the criteria of what to look for in a quality consultant to work with and why Guberman-PMC meets those standards in the new YouTube video, ìGUBERMAN-PMC AND ITS BENEFITS – INTRO – “A” – UNDER THE GUISE OF QUALITYî ( The video has been met with enthusiasm since there’s certainly a void of reliable and trustworthy information in this area.

ìI’m not interested in taking a ‘salesy’ approach to attracting customers but just offering the best in service we possibly can offer,î remarked Guberman. ìThe reason why Guberman-PMC is so important is because we are the loan force that is working outside of the box of the Chinese-national led the ANSI and IAF associations.î

According to Guberman-PMC, the IAF has had a series of huge failures that have cost their clients both money, respect and something even endangered lives. Top this off with the IAF and ANSI being not just ran by a Chinese-national, a country that is clearly not an American ally, but also contains even more hostile to American interest nations like Iran, Russia, and Pakistan.

Guberman than gives details about hundreds of recalls does under IAF and ANSI’s banners and companies being given ìFî ratings by the Better Business Bureau for quality concerns.

Guberman-PMC never has and never will have these kind of problems, because they are passionate,, experienced and devoted to quality, pouring their heart and souls into their work. To help companies learn how Guberman-PMC can help a company meet their Qualiy and ISO needs, the quality consulting experts are offering a free phone consultation by appointment.

Learn more information about Guberman-PMC at

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