Engage in Learning produces e-learning course on Equality and Diversity in US English


The e-learning supplier, Engage in Learning has produced a version of its course on Equality and Diversity in the workplace that is intended for all USA-based organizations.

“It’s generally accepted that promoting a fair and diverse workforce helps organizations reduce business risk and supports a positive working environment,” commented Engage in Learning (EIL)’s Managing Director, Chris Horseman. “As the EIL e-learning course points out, ‘equality and diversity’ means treating people fairly and appropriately – not merely the same.”

EIL’s multilingual equality and diversity training course explains relevant legislation and key terms, outlines equality’s and diversity’s impact on business, and also uses scenarios and ‘what next?’ questions to help learners understand how they can positively affect culture, communication and inclusion.

“Where organizations are legally required to ensure that discrimination is eliminated and expectations of equality are met, equality and diversity training helps you meet this requirement,” said Kate Carter, EIL’s Marketing Manager. “Moreover, this training should ensure that an inclusive and fair working environment exists – so that no form of perceived difference is an obstacle in people’s career potential or progression.

“Having a diverse workforce also means that organizations can offer a wider range of ideas, skills and resources to the business, giving it a competitive edge and improving team productivity, morale and motivation,” she continued, adding: “Like the UK English version of these e-learning materials, the course is highly interactive and engaging, with easy-to-use bite-sized modules.

“Learner engagement is kept high through the course’s quizzes and virtual scenarios. In addition, the use of male and female ‘US voices’ makes the course more familiar to a North American audience – and this is also designed to keep learner engagement at high levels,” she said.

The e-learning course – intended for US organizations, especially ones which are operating in, for example, the UK and/or throughout Continental Europe – aims to help learners differentiate between equality, diversity and inclusion; recognize offences such as indirect and direct discrimination, victimisation and harassment; avoid behaviors that constitute unfair treatment; follow best practice approaches in areas such as recruitment; know the consequences of not complying with the regulations; realize what to do when facing or witnessing unfair treatment at work; identify behaviors, language and attitudes that promote equal and inclusive working relationships, and appreciate the benefits of diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace.

“Our original Equality and Diversity e-learning course, which is available in various languages, has rapidly become hugely popular with customers,” revealed Chris Horseman. “Among other things, we’re finding that they’re using this course as a key part of their regular onboarding programs.”

Kate Carter commented, “As US-based firms continue to develop their operations within Europe, they’ll need access to this sort of learning material if they’re to ensure their workers remain compliant with equal opportunities and other equality legislation.

“Following our debut as an exhibitor at this year’s ATD event, held at the end of May this year in Washington DC, we’re discovering that US-based learning and development professionals welcome the speed control, language options and the ‘themes’ options available on all Engage in Learning products.”

For further details of Engage in Learning’s e-learning materials, visit: https://www.engageinlearning.com/ready-to-use/ and for further details about EIL’s version of ‘Equality’ for the US market, visit: https://www.engageinlearning.com/course/legal-compliance-essentials-of-equality-and-diversity/?cpv=2