2. HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin
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HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin includes 3 types of video players:
– With RightSide Playlist
– Without Playlist
– With Bottom Playlist
It plays .MP4 and .WEBM video files.
Video Player With Rightside Playlist:
• Multiple Skins Included: You can choose from 5 skins for each player.
• Multiple Parameters Available: width, height, playlist width, border width & color, autoplay, loop and many more.
• Responsive Design: The video player if fully responsive. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior.
• Multiple Instances: You can insert the player multiple times in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
• Description For Video – Optional: It Can Be Disabled: You can set a Title and Description for the video. Supports HTML & CSS formated text.
• Fullscreen: It supports full screen, having all the controllers usable in full screen mode, including playlist.
• Autohide For Controllers: The controllers will auto hide on mouse out, showing the entire movie. Parameter to to enable or disable this behavior.
• Click Listener
• Preview Image: A preview image can be defined for each movie
• Playlist Image: A playlist image can be defined for each movie
1. Installation
2. How To Create a Video Player and Change Player Settings
3. Manage The Playlist
Video Player With Bottom Playlist:
• Responsive Design: The video player if fully responsive. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior.
• Description For Video – Optional: It Can Be Disabled: You can set a Title and Description for the video. Supports HTML & CSS formated text.
• Multiple Skins Included: You can choose from 5 skins for each player.
• It plays .MP4 and .WEBM video files.
• Multiple Instances: You can insert the player multiple times in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
• Autohide For Controllers: The controllers will auto hide on mouse out, showing the entire movie. Parameter to to enable or disable this behavior.
• Click Listener.
• Fullscreen: It supports full screen, having all the controllers usable in full screen mode, including playlist.
• Multiple Parameters Available: – width – height – border width & color – autoplay – loop … and more
1. Installation
2. How To Create a Video Player and Change Player Settings
3. Manage The Playlist
Video Player Without Playlist:
• Fullscreen: It supports full screen, having all the controllers usable in full screen mode. You can enter on fullscreen mode by clicking the button or by double clicking on the video.
• Description For Video – Optional: It Can Be Disabled: You can set a Title and Description for the video. Supports HTML & CSS formated text.
• Responsive Design: The video player if fully responsive. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior.
• Multiple Parameters Available: width, height, autoplay, loop and many more.
• Autohide For Controllers: The controllers will auto hide on mouse out, showing the entire movie. Parameter to to enable or disable this behavior.
• Preview Image: A preview image can be defined.
• Volume Control: You have a complete sound control. You can also set the initial volume.
• Multiple Skins Included: You can choose from 6 skins.
• It plays .MP4 and .WEBM video files
• Click Listener
1. Installation
2. How To Create a Video Player and How To Change the Player Settings
3. How To Create Multiple Players And Use The Shortcode Optional Parameters