Author Blanca M. De La Rosa Releases New Book Pursuing a Better Tomorrow


Author Blanca M. De La Rosa Releases New Book Pursuing a Better Tomorrow

Author Blanca M. De La Rosa is pleased to announce the release of her new book, Pursuing a Better Tomorrow. Released by Balboa Press in June 2019, the book is already receiving rave reviews from readers and reviewers.

What would you give up today for a better tomorrow? Many individuals give up the only world they know in pursuit of a better tomorrow.

Spanning more than one hundred years, Pursuing a Better Tomorrow, is not just a memoir that portrays the history of three generations, but rather an inspiring cross-generational journey from Spain to the US.

Four interconnected stories focus on one of the main characters in a given era. Their personal stories illustrate the challenges and opportunities of immigration, acculturation, coming of age, and self-discovery through the characters’ psychological and moral growth. The characters portray the strength of character required to achieve a better tomorrow given the twists, turns, and synchronistic events that shaped their lives.

The novel transports the reader to a time long forgotten with a readable historical overview of the Taíno, the conquistadors, early settlers, the Spanish Empire, and the Dominican Republic, interspersed within the narrative through the perspective of the character of the era.

De La Rosa candidly shares her coming-of-age story of self-discovery as she transitioned from New York City’s projects to corporate America, detailing her personal and professional journey. From humble beginnings—and despite a myriad of challenges—unfolded a life of untold blessings and opportunities.

“Pursuing a Better Tomorrow is entertaining as well as inspiring. The author’s tone is motivating.… offers a balanced view of immigration and all that it entails.” —

Pursuing a Better Tomorrow is available for purchase in print and ebook formats.

Book Details:
Pursuing a Better Tomorrow
By Blanca M. De La Rosa
Publisher: Balboa Press
Published: June 2019
ISBN: 978-1982226343 (pb)
ISBN: 978-1982226367 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1982226350 (ebook)
Pages: 309
Genre: Memoir

About the Author:
Blanca De La Rosa was born in the Dominican Republic and raised in New York City’s public housing, attended public high school, and graduated from Pace University. She retired from ExxonMobil after thirty-four years of service.

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