Is Digital Marketing a good Career in India? Is digital marketing courses important?


Digital marketing is a hot topic in today’s corporate offices of India. Any company, big or small, wants to have a digital presence by way of Facebook pages, Twitter handles, blogs etc. Many youngsters and professionals are already interested in making a career in digital marketing. If you are aspiring to become a digital marketer yourself and are wondering if it is a good career choice for you, then you do not have any reasons to worry as long as you prepare yourself by going for the best digital marketing course in pune available. Thanks to the internet, you can do that right from the comfort of your home.
Digital marketing is the marketing of products and services on the internet. It is like the traditional forms of marketing however the platform is online like websites and portals. While traditional marketing methods have been around since decades, digital marketing is a relatively new field. These days, everything around us is coming in a digital format. If we want, we can shop for clothes online, we can even buy our groceries online, we can study for any subject online and even our tickets are booked online. And this is just the beginning. As our lives become more and more digital, it is obvious that marketing of products and services will also go digital and only keep on increasing, at least for now.
Since it is a new field, there are not many trained professionals in this field. The companies are always looking for people who are trained and have a decent idea of digital marketing. Global digital giants like Facebook, Google etc. have their own offices in India and more companies are following them. Even the government is encouraging it by its Digital India campaign. We can safely say that this field has more demand than supply as far as trained professionals are concerned.
Because there is more demand than supply of good digital marketers, it gives them an upper hand while negotiating salaries. If you are good, then companies will pay you good money to work for them.
The best thing is that digital marketing is an evolving field because the medium of internet is also evolving. It means there will opportunities for learning and growth in this field. As a digital marketer, you will get to learn about trends and technology. It is a creative field as well which can give you creative satisfaction.
Currently, India has the second highest number of internet users in the world with 481 Million users (as on December 2017). These numbers are growing in double percentage figures every year. This is the reason behind so much optimism around digital careers. If you are keen to make a career in digital marketing, you can be optimistic as well.

Learn Digital marketing courses in pune from The Digital Sandbox (TDSB)
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