Innovating Your Healthcare with Virtual Reality


Toronto, ON – July 21, 2019 – Reality Well, a recently launched Virtual Reality platform, is targeting healthcare providers offering a unique experience to their clients by deploying cutting edge technology to help decrease pain, anxiety and depression.

Ontario-based Reality Well is bringing recreational programs to life, offering an entirely new way to interact, explore and provide unforgettable fulfilling experiences through Virtual Reality.

Their head-mounted displays for the healthcare sector adhere to much higher standards compared to those used for consumers or general business.

Realty Well’s headsets have Six Degrees of Freedom, enabling user movement to be tracked and displayed in VR from all directions. This, paired with high computing power, eliminates any feeling of discomfort or nausea found in older or phone powered technology.

“By utilizing our cutting edge technology to help decrease the likes of pain, anxiety and depression, the result is happier clients, increased mental activity and reduced operational costs,” declared Reality Well’s Joannah Apelo.

Reality Well provides fully modular and scalable virtual and mixed reality solutions for the healthcare sector, be it for home care, community centre, clinics, hospice care, nursing homes, or hospitals.

The company provides regular application updates as well as free hardware upgrades guaranteeing that facilities stay in the forefront of health innovation.

“By providing clients with unprecedented freedom and a variety of choice, our Virtual Reality solutions offer immersive, believable worlds that them opportunities to discover and experience the world in a new way,” she added.

Reality Well offers a single unified platform that can host a variety of applications, an analytics engine and multi-headset mobile controls. This means organizations can start small and straightforward and expand organically, with more custom training.

A companion mobile app enables healthcare practitioners and staff to control the content displayed in the headsets, while the program utilizes AI technology to provide relevant and accurate assessments.

And the open system allows integration for third-party application management systems.

The company has recently launched a new website – – which enables you to explore the full aspects of VR and what Realty Well has to offer.

For more information, either email them at or call on 647-358-5050.