Viveck Shettyy moots ‘Ministry for Future Generations’ on World Population Day


In an absolute live wire and brilliant interview to FM Rainbow-107.1 MHz on World Population Day, Viveck Shettyy, Motivational Speaker and Mystic, mooted the idea of a Ministry for Future Generations to be formed with immediate effect. As per his vision, this ministry would be solely responsible to ensure that every decision was taken the baby policy and lawmakers of the present generation also protect the interests of future generations. He further opined that as things exist today people think of issues like population explosion, Environment protection as problems of tomorrow and anything and everything related to the economy as problems of today. Hence the need for a Ministry for Future Generations.

He also shared profound insights as he highlighted that almost every second problem like heavy traffic, air pollution, and garbage dumping are actually a direct consequence of population explosion. And hence all of these issues should be seen as one problem – Population Explosion.

The data according to Viveck Shettyy is that almost one in every ten humans on the planet does not have access to clean drinking water. Almost one in every three does not have access to hygienic toilets. Further, there are approximately 4.3 births per second and approximately 1.8 deaths per second and hence an average of 2.5 individuals adding to the population every single second. He observed that while humans attempt to control the growth of every other organism on the planet, they have clearly failed to regulate their own.

One of the most hard-hitting observations made by this Life Sciences specialist was that ninety percent of human activity on the planet was a direct expression of the reptile mind within the human mind and hence we have now come to approximately 7 billion people on earth and this may go further up to 9.3 billion by 2050 as per United Nations statistics.

Viveck Shettyy, Head Honcho, Indus communications, has been a motivational speaker and a life coach with a strong focus on Yoga, Life Sciences and Mystic knowledge, for more than 15 years now with over 400 lectures and sessions to his credit; spread across leading corporate groups, management institutions, NGOs, medical and engineering colleges, international schools and various management forums.

Picture Caption:

From left to Right – RJ Sandeep , Viveck Shettyy and RJ Keisha at the FM Rainbow Studio.

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