ASTPP Announced Modules of ASTPP 4.0


ASTPP is a leading open source VoIP solution which has been in the industry for more than 16 years. In a startling launch event, the community leaders have launched the latest version of ASTPP which is named as ASTPP 4.0 and announced as “A Smart TelePhony Platform”.

The solution was an open source VoIP billing software, but now it will cater even wider areas in the VoIP industry and it will provide a complete telephony solution with of course some touch of the smart technology. This open source smart telephony solution now offers a wider range of features than earlier. The community leaders have shared the list of modules along with a brief:

Account Management

The ASTPP 4.0 will support different types of accounts and each account can hold different roles and permissions. Everything will be under the direct control of the super admin.

Call routing strategy

The ASTPP 4.0 has integrated traditional and smart technologies to provide a complete range of call routing strategies. This smart telephony platform offers call routing algorithms based on different factors and smart technology.

Product management

This is a brand new feature introduced in this open source VoIP solution. It will provide a module to create different products and manage them independently to run more strategic business with custom products and offerings.

Calling cards
The ASTPP 4.0 support complete calling card business with the calling card module. One can run a wholesale or retail calling card business with the ASTPP.

DID management

The ASTPP 4.0 also offers a dedicated module for DID (Direct Inward Dialing) number management. This module can be used to take care of the DID business.

Rate groups and Tariffs
The new version of ASTPP has enhanced its rate group and tariffs module. It lets its users take benefits of custom rate group and tariff management with an integrated billing for the open source smart telephony platform.

Call rates

In the VoIP business, call rates make a huge difference and in each business, there can be different types of call rates available for the customers. The ASTPP 4.0 provides a module that allows configuring call rates with ease.

Reports and Alerts

The ASTPP users will get a whole range of reports on various criteria to let them take benefit of the data. The ASTPP 4.0 also provides various alerts related to system and account usage so the users can get notifications on crucial events.

Payment gateway

As it still has a comprehensive billing solution in the smart telephony system it offers integration of the payment gateway. This helps in automating the invoicing, billing and payment process.

System settings

One can use the ASTPP 4.0 with white labeling at no cost. The system settings will allow making changes in the system and the open source solution itself.

These are the top modules of ASTPP 4.0 and each module has a wide range of features. To know more about the ASTPP 4.0, please visit