The Great Communications Fusion


You need a promotional campaign, brand design and marketing, advertising, video production…matter of fact, you need it all. Who doesn’t nowadays? Whether you’re launching a new business, trying to stay ahead of the competition or simply hoping to get noticed amid all the hubbub, an integrated approach to marketing and communication is a must.

So who you gonna call? Your local advertising agency, a marketing company, no wait, a communications agency, that’s it. Or is that a Video production in Geneva. No, a PR firm. Are you confused yet? Well, we have good news for you: it’s all the same, or at least it’s fast becoming so.

If you haven’t noticed, the digital age has heavily blurred the lines between all these traditionally segregated services. Today, our communications agency in Lausanne, Smart Cuts doesn’t just do creativeeditorial work and graphic design, we also do video production, animation, social media marketing, website design, digital media consulting and so on. It’s now all part and parcel of the end-to-end service customers expect when they go to a firm for …what shall we call it? Communications, that must be it.

The word communications covers it all, really. It’s PR, of course, but it’s also marketing, and to do those in today’s integrated digital world you have to do social media, and certainly video production. Hold your horses, you say. You can’t be pro at everything and firms selling the full monty tend to botch half their services because they just don’t have the in-house skills to get them all right. That’s true too! There is a lot of that going for sure. But the bottom line is that those who need a communication service today want a partner that gives them the sense of having a holistic view of the new media landscape. That doesn’t necessarily mean being good at everything, but it does mean knowing enough about it to create a strategy incorporating all the means by which a message can be delivered.

Not only that, but being a jack of all trades also allows a Creative agency in Lausanne to be the go-to partner for large companies or organizations that don’t want to be dealing with 101 different services providers for every little aspect of their outsourced communications services. So there’s a conundrum there, as you can see. You need to know it all, and ideally be good at it all, but where the former is achievable – at least to the degree that’s useful for planning and consulting purposes – the latter is much harder to pull off, unless…

Unless you plan it that way from the get-go and create a team composed of people from all the traditional services, like marketing, PR, website design, etc. Granted it means a bigger pool of people to hire or partner up with to create a communications agency, but it does give you an edge right from the start. A company that feels that for anything vaguely communications related in today’s digital world it can come to you and get the right advice, at least, if not even the right service, will be a partner who won’t drop you any time soon.

We know this from first-hand experience at Smart Cuts. As a communications agency in Geneva, Switzerland, we currently work for a number of multinational companies that call us for anything from press releases to extended reality productions. If we can’t do it, we know who can, and they trust our advice.

So you’ve probably guess it by now: today’s communications agency needs to be a multi-headed consultant of sorts. A hyper-connected hydra that can deliver services and advice across a large spectrum that was once quite compatimentalized, but that is now merging into one single over-arching service we can call COMMUNICATIONS. Perhaps we should find a new word for it. Get in touch: and share your suggestions. We’ll hire the winner!