Connolly Suthers Provides Legal Assistance to Divorcing Couples


The Townsville-based law firm works with clients through their parenting arrangements, division of marital property, child support and spousal support.

[07/02/2019, TOWNSVILLE] – Connolly Suthers helps divorcing couples resolve family disputes through a tailored approach that meet their clients’ unique financial and legal needs. The firm considers its clients’ needs and emotions into account when working on a case.

No-Fault Divorce in Australia

Connolly Suthers explains that couples in Australia do not need to identify the at-fault party in a divorce. A court does not consider the reasons behind the end of a marriage when granting an application. There are, however, requirements.

Couples who are filing for divorce need to have lived separately for at least 12 months. They may live in the same home but as a separated couple. Couples must also show there is no reasonable likelihood of getting back together.

The firm recommends couples seek legal advice first when getting a divorce in Australia. This is so they come to understand their rights and responsibilities. Connoly Suthers can work with couples when settling on the following concerns upon a divorce application:
• Parenting arrangements for the children
• The division of marital property
• Spousal maintenance
• Child support

Making the Process Meaningful and Comfortable

Connoly Suthers offers outstanding legal services to each client, with lawyers who have been hired carefully. The firm’s lawyers share the same values, and have experience in all aspects of family law, including divorce.

The Townsville-based firm also provides family law resources to further assist clients. The resources may include post separation tips, family law property settlement – schedule of property, which offers guidance on distribution of assets and family law property settlement – list of financial documents, which is crucial for property settlement.

About Connolly Suthers

Connolly Suthers is a law firm serving the North Queensland area. The firm has more than 120 years of experience, combining extensive training and experience with innovative communications to deliver unrivalled legal services in the region; it has Queensland Law Society Accredited Specialists in Property Law, Succession Law and Personal Injuries litigation.

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