Faith like a child – How does that work?


If you do not repent and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. So Jesus once challenges his disciples. But what does that mean? Shall we become naive? Say yes to everything? The opposite is the case: we can ask like the children.

At first glance, childlike faith seems to be determined by the simple acceptance of things. But once you have children, you realize that the reality is different.

The role model of the parents:

However, anyone who believes that faith is an educational product is mistaken. Even the best education offers no development to the belief in God, but only education to an educated faith, to a God, mediated by doctrine and taught to God.

If we are allowed to call ourselves children of God, then this does not signify any relation to naivety or immaturity, but to affection, a relationship of trust.

A questionnaire:

Children are full of questions and secrets. Every father, every mother, every educator knows that children can literally “punch in the stomach”. At the same time, they can cause us adults to sweat because they ask very directly and existentially: – Who am I, and why do I live? – Where is God? What is he doing? Who made him? – Why do people have to die? Where do I come when I’m dead? – Why are there bad people? Why does God allow the wrong?

Childlike faith presupposes being, but it also presupposes a questioning of this being and here quite unvarnished and unspoiled, the basic requirement for honest searching and finding. That is what Jesus was all about, this existential honesty of the children, without any evil ulterior motives or courtesy.

The Spiritual Life of Children is much of the faith of smaller children reflects what their parents do. “Mama said …”, “Daddy always does …” are typical starting points for child like faith. But her faith does not stop here. They continue to ask, “Mom, you said Jesus lives on. What did he do after he died and rose again? “

Even with the faith of their parents in view, children ask questions. They set their own priorities. And more and more they are getting to the point where they realize that their parents do not reflect God in all areas.

As we get older, we usually get used to questions. Although we do not know much anymore, we prefer to look like we have all the answers. And whoever has all the answers has a sound theology.

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