Base your company in Switzerland


The headquarter of De Soet Consulting is in the heart of Switzerland, in the city of Zug to be exact. Zug is one of the economically strongest regions in Switzerland and therefore an attractive location for companies from a wide variety of industries, coming from different countries and backgrounds.

Zug offers a lot of advantages over a big city. You save a lot of time in daily traffic, it is cheaper, but you have a very good connection to Zurich, says Rieta de Soet, CEO of De Soet Consulting. These are only a few reasons why Zug is a great place to live and work. There are almost 27,000 national and international companies in Zug, continues Rieta de Soet of De Soet Consulting. From the start-up to the long-established large-scale enterprise – here you will find everything. Of course, this is also very convenient for finding suitable business partners and customers on site. De Soet Consulting has excellent contacts with many local companies, helping its business center customers.

In the team of De Soet Consulting Business Center you will find business economists, corporate and tax consultants. These are just a few of the additional offers from the successful Business Center. With around 20 years of experience, Rieta de Soet knows exactly what customers want and how she can support them.