Visually Challenged students showcase their talent at the cultural event organised by Sankara Eye Hospital on the occasion of Helen Keller Day


Bangalore, 27th June 2019: Vision Rehabilitation Department Sankara Eye Hospital organised cultural activities for visually challenged students on the occasion of Helen Keller Day celebration. The event was organised to create a platform for the students to express their talent by breaking the barriers, build their confidence level and motivate them to involve in social activity. The event was inaugurated by Dr Y Umesh, Chief Medical Officer, Sankara Eye Hospital in the presence of Mr Manoj Jeswani Unit Head, Sankara Eye Hospital.
About 100 visually challenged students between the age group of 6 to 17 years from different academies for blind actively participated in the cultural activities which included dance, solo singing, Fashion show, Mimicry, Mono acting and Identify who I am.

Dr Y Umesh, Chief Medical Officer, Sankara Eye Hospital said, “Today we celebrate the Hellen Keller day, she was a strong advocate for people with disabilities and we at Sankara Eye Hospital have been taking various initiatives that have benefitted the visually challenged community. Through this activity we wanted to encourage people to look at the ability beyond impairment.”
The audiences were moved and enthralled looking at the special performances by the visually impaired students. The students were awarded with trophy in different categories for the best performance.
About Sankara Eye Hospital:
Sankara Eye Hospital, Bengaluru an NABH accredited tertiary hospital is a unit of Sankara Eye Foundation. The hospital was established in 2008 with a vision to provide highest quality and value for money in eye care services. It is a centre of excellence for Cornea, Retinal diseases, Glaucoma, Paediatric Ophthalmology, Cataracts, Oculoplasty, Lasik and Vision Rehabilitation.
Sankara Eye Foundation has its presence across 7 states and total bed strength of 2200. Till date more than 1.8 million free vision restoration surgeries have been performed. (