New WELCOME BANNERS – Back to School, Back to Church


Church Banners launches their new theme for the kid’s ministry! The Vacation Bible Schools, the fun and frolic part, and the teachings of the Bible all are coming to an end, but the children should always feel that Jesus is with them.

To honor the children, to make the event galvanizing, Church Banners has come up with the all-new Back to School, Back to Church theme in their new banner series. The banners will add charm and impart an enduring effect to the church decoration. The children should always understand that the blessings of Jesus are still with them and the last day of the VBS camp should forever remain in their memory. As what the eyes perceive has more effect on the mind thus, banners will add more stories down their memory lane.

The welcome banner series has one more addition in their bag- Give a grand Welcome to your neighbors! Often celebrations remain a small affair even when the event is organized at a grand level. Make a hustle! Make some noise as it is a party day get the gaze of all on your event. Welcome banners are a great idea for doing so!

Be it a message about Sunday service, the opening of a new portable church, Sermons and Preaching ceremony in the church or you wish to invite the community for any other event to the church, Church Banners has covered you!

Designs of the banners are not limited to Church designs. There are many other categories for covering every event and occasion possible. To add more of the artistic hue one can even ask for customizations be it the addition of logo, changes in the font or you want your design to make a place in your space there are solutions for everything at Church Banners

The banners come in various styles such as: