Constellation Brands and Nike announce Quarterly earnings this week


This week in the markets, we could see potential volatility surrounding a few big name stocks that are set to announce their quarterly earnings results. This coming week we have Nike and Constellation Brands set to make their reports, which could spell good or bad news for shareholders. Let’s take a look at what is happening with these two giants.
Firstly we have Nike, who has seen a problematic recent quarter with a less than expected sales growth rebound, so naturally investors in the sportswear giant will be mainly focusing on that metric on Thursday. As with the majority of US companies, revenue gains slowed in the markets in the third financial quarter after showing huge acceleration in the previous two. Sales revenue in Nike were reported up a respectable 7% from the previous quarter which is more than double the growth rate of their number one competitor Under Armour.
When Thursday rolls around, investors will be closely monitoring Nike, in the hopes to see signs that the company has a good balance of supply and demand in the US, and also will be hoping to see that their newest lines of products are going down well with exercise fans. It’s not only investors who will be keeping a close eye on Nike, as Wall Street will be watching closely to learn if Mark Parker the CEO of Nike is still expecting robust sales growth in the coming financial year despite the huge rise in input costs.
Next to declare earnings on Friday we have Alcohol giant Constellation Brands, a household name that have created popular beer brands such as Corona and Modelo. Investors into the alcohol giant have a lot of information to look forward to in Fridays report.
In the previous quarterly announcement by Constellation, the company informed of many big changes within the company, including the divestment of a portfolio of lower-margin wine and spirits franchises. That sector has been causing restraints for the company, more so than their very successful beer division over the last couple of years. What investors will be looking at in particular is the data surrounding the wine business as with the removal they may have a clearer picture of the broader business.
Other sectors of the business are also under watch as investors are hoping for updates on the national rollout of the company’s new Corona Premier Brand, which is the largest addition to the Corona franchise in the last two decades. Additionally the most anticipated part of their report will be Constellation’s updates on their new venture into the cannabis space, and what the company’s huge investment into Canadian cannabis company Canopy Growth will mean for them. Constellation brands has a lot of room to expand into the cannabis market, depending on how quickly the company can take advantage of the booming emerging market place.
Charles Withers – Walter International