Why I Love Light House Church of Houston


Light House Church of Houston is located in the middle of the city. Taking your life in the way of Jesus is superior and that you can discover the most fulfilling life by living in the story of God.

Whether you are a part of the community, I believe visiting Houston Northwest Church will help you grow in deeper discipleship and holy maturity. This church is passionate about serving the community and enabling to build sustainable lives to stay and thrive in this beautiful city. I really feel honoured to approach alongside families as my children are guided to Christ and enthused to live out the way of Jesus.

The Lighthouse Church of Houston has been popular across the globe for its rock-hard commitment to all-inclusive evangelism, charity and missions. As one of the most famous Churches in Houston TX is devoted to serve the whole community.

If you are looking for best Churches near My Location and would love to join the community and take advantage each week where you will be given the 3 life changing devotion experiences. After that you will be able to participate in the Midweek Bible Study on every Tuesday. There are various videos that you can also watch online of The Lighthouse Church.

When I met Mr. Keion Henderson, I was surprised to see his greatness and his devotion towards the community. As the Senior Pastor and founder of The Lighthouse Church of Houston, he is fully committed to provide inspirations of hope with his speeches to numerous lives across the world.

About The Lighthouse Church

Since 2009, Lighthouse Church has over 100 lovely members and now grown to a flourishing worshippers of more than 7,500 church members. All these members grace with their presence weekly at church of Houston.

This church has more than 30 ministries providing weekly holy programs and deeds to the community. The main aim of this holy place is to extend and put into practice the programs to help individuals cope with the problems which lead to the destruction and ruin of the family formation; and provide all segments of the people the best way to worship globally.

For more details about The Lighthouse Church of Houston, please visit our website here: https://lhhouston.church/.

Contact Information
Lighthouse Church of Houston
6650 Rankin Rd.
Humble, Texas 77396
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm