Get Certified Training in Shaolin Animal Styles


Shaolin Animal Styles is the only training course that is entirely dedicated to the mastery of different animal techniques. Absolutely no experience is necessary to get started; this training program is specifically designed to be learned by any new participant regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.

Dragon22nd Assassin provides certified training in Shaolin Animal Styles. Through our training of Shaolin Animal Styles, we help you learn different essential techniques that can help in self-defense situations.

Professor Joseph Dodaro provides TAI CHI Dragon assassin, assassin combat choreography, shaolin assassin animal styles training. The training sessions provide a phenomenal fitness experience as well as develop self-defense skills in participants.

With our proactive approach to assassin combat choreography, shaolin assassin animal styles training; many participants have accomplished life-changing results. All of our training sessions are conducted in a safe and supportive environment where participants can focus on learning without worrying about injuring themselves. Professor Joseph Dodaro provides every participant full undivided attention to ensure that they are keeping on track with their goals.

Whether you are looking to improve self-defense techniques, physical fitness or you are trying to find an exciting new activity to enhance your self-confidence, Professor Joseph Dodaro develops the ability to improve your skills and help you achieve your goals.

So, get shaolin animal styles training under a global Dragon22nd Assassin legend. For more information visit our website or contact us on (310) 699-8437