Latest Online Cv Resume Template Released By eDataStyle on


(June 22, 2019): WordPress is already popular among the net-world citizens, as immense source for world-quality software solutions free of cost. Here is yet another one to get even more popularity, as Best Free elementor CV/Resume/Vcard WordPress theme. The release is from WordPress Org. The release has taken place today according to the announcement and is categorized as Version 1.7.

The announcement describes this Open Source Software as “Online CV Resume is a Modern, Minimal & Creative WordPress theme for online resume, cv, or a personal website. This beautiful online resume template comes with a built-in portfolio type. Online-CV-Resume is suitable for designer, developer, freelancer, photographer, architects, Artists and many more individual who want to showcase his/her work”.

The releasing site says this software can be installed in less than 10 minutes time. It adds further that the software can help load websites faster; and because of the software is clean-coded and fully optimized, the Search Engines will optimize the website for sure.

This software comes with pre-defined sections such as education, skills and work experience etc. Therefore the user will find it easier to fill up the particulars at the proper places in the template, and send them to their ultimate destinations. As regards personal websites, this software solution reduces the work of the website owner greatly, in neatly arranging the details the owner wishes to showcase to the web visitor readily.

On the aspect of Responsive Web Designing, the template is skillfully coded so that it will work excellently on all computing devices like PCs and Desktops or Laptops, Tablets, and as also sophisticated Smart Phones floated in the market.

Once an end-user downloads this software, they can modify the template as they want, since this software is well documented and clean-coded. The announcement invites all interested persons to click for downloading.

