Fall Prevention in Seniors


If you have an aging parent or you are a caregiver to a senior loved one, it is important to be aware of the risks of senior falling. Falls are common and can prove serious for seniors, so, it is important to learn about the risks and the potential consequences of a fall on their health.
Preventing Falls in Seniors
Did you know that the falling is the most common cause of injury in seniors? It causes million ER visits each year! With age, the bones become brittle and falls can cause more serious injuries. These injuries can have a huge negative impact on the senior’s quality of life.

Senior falling is the among the top causes for traumatic brain injury. This can cause even more falls, and result in death. Injuries, such as a broken hip, can lead to devastating consequences.
It could also the senior to become afraid of falling again, which could lead to less movement and lack of physical fitness.

However, the above facts do not mean that you should accept senior falling as part of the aging process. Caregivers and families, even the seniors themselves, can prevent falls by staying fit and improving balance.
How to Prevent Senior Falls?
The most important thing in preventing falls is to understand the risks, such as not being physically fit, chronic medical conditions, and vision problems.

Here are some helpful tips to prevent senior falls.

• Ensure that your senior loved one undergoes regular vision and hearing checkups.
• Take them to a balance class or an exercise programs for seniors
• Encourage conversation with their doctor so that they can understand the risks of falling and prevention measures.
• Notice how your senior loved one is walking or standing, especially if you notice him/her holding onto things for support, as they move about.
• Talk to their doctor about any medication side effects. Some medications can cause dizziness or drowsiness, which can cause falls.
• Remove all tripping hazards from the house, such as loose cords and clutter in the hallways.

You can prevent your aging loved one from falling and hurting themselves. By becoming aware and taking measures to prevent falls, you can drastically reduce the risk of a fall and a tragic accident.

If you need help caring for your senior loved one, it is best to hire professional caregivers from a reputed home care agency.

If you are looking for the best occupational therapy and/or wound care treatment in San Antonio, call Home Nursing and Therapy Services at 210.822.8807 Today. With a mission to be the highest quality San Antonio primary home care agency, HNTS offers caregivers for multiple needs and ensure you and your loved ones lead a healthy and meaningful life through our nursing and therapy services.