Intellicus Demonstrates its Powerful Next-Gen BI Capabilities at LiveWorx’19


Boston, June 14: Intellicus exhibited at LiveWorx this year in Boston and showcased its BI capabilities. This year, LiveWorx was focused on technology innovations for digital transformation. In tandem with this theme, Intellicus demonstrated its next-gen BI platform and conducted talks on how it can be leveraged to accelerate digital transformation.

Self-Serve + Machine Learnt Predictions + Visualizations + What-If = Next Gen BI

At the event, Intellicus experts spoke about the concept of next-gen BI that revolves around empowering business users. A next-gen BI must enable business users to do self-serve analytics and perform predictively, what -if analytics on their everyday data.

Our team at LiveWorx 19, demoed built-in data science and machine learning capabilities of Intellicus and how these enable users to get predictive insights on their operational data in easy steps. These insights enable users to plan for the next hour or day or week etc. Intellicus users can also do what-if analytics on their data and get intelligence on possible future outcomes in case some factors vary. We also showcased the new interactive and responsive visualizations in Intellicus at the event.

As a next-gen BI, Intellicus empowers its users to address the challenges for today and tomorrow. It enables them to plan scientifically and get the best outcomes – and this empowerment contributes significantly to expediting digital transformation.

Rajesh Murthy, VP Engineering at Intellicus, also presented an Ignite Talk at the event and spoke about how Intellicus enables business users to apply machine learning models in real time for predictions.

“We are very happy to see such an enthusiastic response to our enhanced capabilities. Our users are excited to use them for operational intelligence. Intellicus is leading this innovation and transformation in BI, and the support of our users is extremely overwhelming, “he said.