Discount Real Estate Broker Expands


A Louisiana Discount Real Estate Broker, 1 Percent Lists is expanding their unique value proposition for selling homes with a discounted real estate commission, across Louisiana.

1 Percent Lists was formed in 2016 with one agent/owner and has grown to five different real estate markets across Louisiana and 17 REALTORS. Their success and growth can be attributed to their unique value proposition for selling a home for market rate while saving the home seller thousands of dollars in commissions.

The expansion of the real estate brokerage is into the Baton Rouge LA real estate market, Lafayette real estate market and the Southernmost tip of Louisiana affectionately referred to as the Bayou area. This is in addition to the existing markets of Greater New Orleans and the New Orleans Northshore.

The full service, discount real estate brokerage has seen massive growth with 17 million in sales in 2017, 37 million in sales in 2087 and forecast to exceed 80 million for 2019. With hundreds of homes sold, each offering a standard commission to the Buyers Agent, but only 1 percent to the listing broker, they have saved their clients over two million dollars ($2,000,000) in real estate commissions.

Grant Clayton, The Founder of 1 Percent Lists had this to say:

We set out to disrupt the real estate industry. The standard 6% commission model had not adjusted for modern technology and the internet. Today, we can be much more efficient selling a home than in the past, so there was no real reason to still charge six percent. We leverage modern digital marketing techniques and don’t waste time with the outdated processes still in use by many real estate agents today.

Many real estate agents want to join the brokerage because they feel they provide true value to the home seller, by saving them thousands of dollars in real estate commission. With the influx of new REALTORS across Louisiana offering discount real estate brokerage services, 1 Percent Lists is expected to see massive growth over the next 24 months.

Technology has been key to making the discount real estate brokerage model a success. 1 Percent lists have recently rolled out a new public facing website, giving homebuyers the ability to search the majority of the homes in Louisiana, while being educated on how real estate commissions work.

About 1 Percent Lists:
1 Percent Lists is a Discount Real Estate Broker in Louisiana. All real estate agents and brokers are licensed by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission.

Main Office:
123 TerraBella Boulevard Suite 2C,
Covington, LA 70433
Office Phone:
(985) 807-0001