Viveck Shettyy Live On FM Rainbow On International Yoga Day


Come, 21st June, the celebrations well and truly begin at FM Rainbow for International Yoga Day, with a special one hour live interview with Viveck Shettyy, Yogi, Mystic and Motivational Speaker . He is scheduled for a one hour live interaction between 10 am to 11 am. This special episode has been produced by Rajesh Dalvi for FM Rainbow.

Viveck Shettyy will be speaking more on the mind management and energy management aspects of Yoga, since he feels there is a strong need for more awareness on these critical aspects of Yoga. Viveck Shettyy, Head Honcho , Indus communications ,has been a motivational speaker and a life coach with a strong focus on Yoga, Life Sciences and Mystic knowledge, for more than 15 years now with over 400 lectures and sessions to his credit; spread across leading corporate groups ,management institutions, NGOs, medical and engineering colleges, international schools and various management forums.

He also conducts one to one classes on a regular basis for ‘ Mind Management ‘ and ‘ Voice Training ‘ . Over 300 students and various professionals and celebrities are now training directly under him for Mind Management. He was conferred with The Mid Day Award for Excellence in Motivational Speaking on 30th May’2019. He has nearly fifty thousand followers on twitter and another one lakh fifty thousand followers on Instagram, with numbers multiplying by the hour. He heads Indus Communications, a 360-degree communication services offering state of the art services in advertising, public relations, event management and celebrity management to leading corporate, business houses and celebrities. He was conferred with the ‘NAVSHAKTI’ award on 29th April‘2016 for excellence in communications and branding leading to social impact.

He has a profound interest in music and also is the lead vocalist of his six-member band that has performed in the leading festivals across the country like Kalaghoda, Mood indigo. He was conferred with the Puncham Award for ‘Melodious Voice of the Year ‘ in 2012.

His one of its kind television show on the human mind titled ‘ Mann – Ek Kalpavruksh’ that translates to ‘ The Mind – A Wishing Tree’ on DD Sahyadri has been well received and appreciated. He strongly believes in Yoga and religiously devotes himself practicing it every single day. He has contributed as a freelance writer to leading publications like DNA, Mid-Day, Afternoon , Savy and many more .

The truly multi faceted Viveck Shettyy dabbles Management , Motivation , Yoga writing , singing and anchoring with equal ease and élan .

Viveck Shettyy



Pic Caption :

Viveck Shettyy,Yogi, Mystic and Motivational Speaker.

For further details contact:

Hitakshi Joshi -8655566077

Piyali Debnath – 9821555668

Landline: 022- 66912814/15/16,