XTRA Ray Edge Test is on June 23rd across Country


FIITJEE has initiated for XII pass students an extraordinary platform called Xtra Ray Edge Test (XRET) taking place on June 23, 2019 across India for students who were not able to realize their dream in JEE 2019 and wish to Succeed in JEE 2020.

Many students are unable to adopt the right approach and proper examination temperament as they lack the right feedback on their preparation. For bridging this gap, as a true mentor, will hand hold such students towards success in JEE 2020 by providing them with the right Time management techniques, proper examination temperament & above all in-depth concept clarity.

Xtra Ray Edge Test has been designed with the intention to help students understand their current potential and fulfill their ultimate dream of joining the prestigious IIT,” says Mr. R. L Trikha Director, FIITJEE.

The last date to register for Xtra Ray Edge Test is 22nd June 2019. Students can register for the Test through both online and offline modes.
For further details, students can either visit their nearest FIITJEE centre or log on to www.xret.fiitjee.com

For Online Registration, visit www.fiitjeeonline.in