Preparing Party Floors for Sound Insulation Testing


One essential area to consider when preparing your project for a sound test pass is ensuring that everything within the building is set-up and prepared correctly. To try and help clients adequately prepare with the test, we have put together this comprehensive list detailing which parts of the property need to be prepared in advance:
a. The whole building envelope and internal walls and floors should be fully completed
b. All window and doors must be fitted and working correctly. A substantial amount of noise can leak through any gaps and can have a negative influence on the final test results.
c. All electrical fittings must be completely in-place, and fully functional. Poor electrical installation such as missing sockets/faceplates down lighters etc. can lead to excess noise.
d. No carpets or laminated flooring should be fitted on the 1st floor levels or above. These materials can affect the movement of noise, and as a result could impact on whether a building passes the sound check test.
e. 240 volt power should be in-place and available in every room. Our testing equipment can be damaged by the voltage fluctuations of on-site power generators, so it’s essential to have 240V mains supply on-site on the day of the test
f. The building skirting should not touch the floating floor and flanking strips used as and where required.
g. All gaps in the walls and floors should be sealed with acoustic mastic etc. Noise can leak out through any gaps and affect the movement of sound and impact on the sound insulation performance.
h. Access to all of the rooms on all levels should be granted to our technicians – also in occupied neighbouring properties where required. All site noise sources such as building work, radios and fire alarms should be stopped for the duration of the test.
i. All doors and windows must be fitted and working correctly. A substantial amount of noise can leak through any gaps and influence the test results.
If you follow the above checklist it should help you achieve compliance with Approved Document E Sound Insulation Testing of Dwellings.