Edit XML files in Windows with XMLBlueprint XML Editor


XMLBlueprint XML Editor is an editor and validator for XML documents, XML schemas, DTDs and Relax NG schemas. Designed for both home and professional users, it works with any current edition of Windows to provide everything you need to work more efficiently with XML files. It also offers a unique combination of business-grade features and affordable prices. It supports Unicode text editing as well, making it fully compatible with the global environment. Other features include real-time XML coloring, layout tidying, context-sensitive completion, XSL transformation, a tree explorer, text wrapping, OASIS XML catalogs, an expression evaluator and unlimited undo and redo. These features combined provide users with everything they need to create, edit and operate XSLT stylesheets and preview the results.

XMLBlueprint XML Editor features several additional tools to streamline your everyday routine. There`s an XML generator that will create samples based on various schema, and you can choose if you want the program to generate optional elements, attributes and values. Another included tool is the XSD generator, which lets you generate XSD by drawing data from multiple XML files. Finally, there`s even a document converter included that lets you convert CSV and Microsoft Excel files to XML via a command line. You can also validate your XML files using the included validation feature, which supports processors including Jing, MSXML and Xerces. Try out the program today by downloading the free trial edition over at https://www.xmlblueprint.com.