Digital cad cam technology application in dental laboratory


Currently the digital technology will be specific restoration available.Likewise wieland cad cam can make the restoration according to the individual cases separately,whether it is zirconia,chrome alloy or dental peek restoration.

It is not difficult to discover a broad range of CAD/CAM prosthetics, workflows and services designed to maximise efficiency and save time for your laboratory.The next step for process the restoration model is very easy,as the cheap dental lab equipment is widely available on the markets likewise artex articulator,dental hydraulic pressure etc.

Whether your customers request a single-unit or full-arch restoration, Most of the dental laboratory studio features a precision-engineered and made CAD/CAM resolution for you.Additonally, multilayered full-contour dental zirconia blocks material only needs your finishing touches, and provides your customers with strong and esthetic CAD/CAM restorations.There is no need of coloring the shading any more.You can balance your employment by outsourcing implant bar cases to the digital cad cam center of dental lab.

If you’re using wieland cad cam, you can expand your product library at no additional price with unequalled restorations.Most of important is that the choosing dental lab consumable product and let the dental lab workers use the most qualified dental lab tools instruments for final result of a guaranty for each the restoration and therefore the will be no of compliant from clients.