UTLC ERA intensifies cooperation with Hellmann


The Joint Stock Company “United Transport Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance” (UTLC ERA) and Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Road and Rail GmbH & Co. KG. (Hellmann Worldwide), have signed a declaration of intent about establishing closer cooperation at the 2019 Transport & Logistics Trade Fair in Munich, Germany. The declaration, co-signed by UTLC ERA president Alexey Grom and Matthias Magnor, Chief Operating Officer of Hellmann Worldwide, underlines the two sides” continuing commitment to develop long-term relations in European transport and logistics.
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, one of the world”s largest international logistics service providers, has been working with UTLC ERA since April 2019 to make weekly shipments of goods, including luxury and high-end German cars, to China by rail. In the second quarter of 2019 a new route between Bremerhaven and Chongqing was opened for the transport of this category of goods. The route ensures that the delivery time on the new Silk Road is three weeks shorter compared with transport by sea.

Since April 2019, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics has been working with UTLC ERA to make weekly shipments of goods, including luxury and high-end German cars, to China by rail. In the second quarter of 2019, a new route between Bremerhaven and Chongqing was opened for the transport of this category of goods. The route ensures that the delivery time on the new Silk Road is three weeks shorter compared with transport by sea.
As part of this agreement, both companies will work together to develop effective container transport services between Europe and China with a view to further increasing capacities for the transport of goods by rail. UTLC ERA will be responsible for the complete transport service on the 1520 mm broad gauge track.

“We are delighted to have found a new partner in Hellmann Worldwide Logistics. Convenience for our European clients is that transporting goods by rail through three countries is arranged through one operator. Before, cargo shipper had to go to Astana, Moscow and Minsk to coordinate the container shipment from China to Europe. Our service for the transport of containers meets all the requirements of European clients with regard to the speed, security and reliability of their freight deliveries,” – noted UTLC ERA president Alexey Grom.

The Joint Stock Company “United Transport and Logistics Company – Eurasian Rail Alliance” (UTLC ERA) provides containers transport services between Europe and China to a number of companies from Europe and Asia. UTLC ERA transports over 76 per cent of transit freight on scheduled container trains that travel in both directions between China and Europe via Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus on 1520 mm broad-gauge tracks with 280,5 thous. TEU transported in 2018. The overall transport volume on this route in 2018 was 370 thous. TEU, an increase of one third compared to 2017. The company provides transport services between Europe and China along 57 routes. The new and most important hubs in Europe are Neumarkt, Barcelona, Bremerhaven and Luxembourg. UTLC ERA was founded by the Russian Railways RZhD, the Belarusian Railways and the Kazakhstan Railway Company, with each of the three founding partners holding an equal share in the company.