Bobs Pet Shop Inc In Furlong, PA 18925 Offers Quality Puppy Training And Obedience Classes


Newtown PA, 06-JUNE-2019 – Bobs Pet Stop Inc and certified dog trainer, Bob Staples, are pleased to announce that the company provides a quality trainer to improve behavior in puppies and adult dogs as well. It is important for training to begin early in order to gain the best results. Pets need guidance in order to understand what is expected of them. The Bucks County PA dog obedience training professional is experienced from many years of working with pets of all types and ages.

The foundational lessons in control and obedience are the first step in improving the puppy’s behavior. The training is based on positive reinforcement. Dog owners who want to be able to control the pets will see significant improvement within a few weeks, if daily practice is done. This type of course is useful when there is a new puppy in the house, but it is also helpful for rescue or adopted dogs and older companion animals who need to learn the basics of acceptable behavior in the home, when there are guests, or around the neighborhood.

The course is designed to work with dogs of eight weeks or older. The owner is taught how to control the dog’s behavior. It includes basic obedience, but also eliminates difficult or challenging behaviors such as showing dominant behavior, negative cage training behaviors, house breaking and soiling issues and barking obsessively for attention, as well as many others.

Instruction can be arranged in the location where the majority of the problems occur. Common locations include in the residence, park, in town or around the neighborhood. Daily practice will be encouraged by the use of written instruction and dog training videos.

Learn more about puppy training by going to the web pages at today. Members of the press and those who have further questions regarding the information in this press release are encouraged to contact Bob Staples at the location described below.

Contact Person Name: Bob Staples, President
Company Name: Bobs Pet Stop Inc
Address: Newtown, PA
Contact Telephone Number: (215) 598-7776
Mobile Telephone Number: (267) 994-5390