Multi-View Welding Camera Solution


Invisual E. Inc. is pleased to have been selected as vendor for multi-view welding camera solution.

The end user solution consists of a five head welding machine each welding simultaneously. One of the key components of the application was the ability of the system to allow for the operator to see five simultaneous streaming video at the same time. The welding camera ICAM-WA was chosen as the hardware platform given the price and performance balance that the client needed.

The task was to deliver a system that combined five weld camera views into a single display that was technically viable, high quality and on budget. Invisual was able to meet this task and as a result the operator has a multi view weld camera system with the ability to adjust the size of the viewing window.

Says the manufacturer, “we were running into issues of operator safety and skin burns due to the multi-head process. The welding camera was the appropriate way to go. Invisual E has a platform that is able to meet our needs”.

Says Invisual E, “ This demonstrates the commitment we have to tackle and solve client requests and build our satisfied client list”

About Invisual E. Inc.

Invisual E. Inc is dedicated to advancements of quality, efficiency and capabilities for manufacturing. A technology firm that works with OEM, integrators and manufacturers to build brands, expand markets, grow revenues.

Pierre Huot is the founder of Invisual E. He received an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business and a B.A. in Science, Chemical Engineering from the University of Ottawa. He is the author of several published case studies and white papers.