Know More about Asia & Its Varied Cooking Traditions


Asia is the hub of varied cuisine choices. Try the East Asian, South-East Asian, Central Asian, South Asian, West Asian and North Asian cuisines to savor the unique flavors and tantalizing aroma of brilliant Asian-inspired cooking traditions.

Houston, 10th June 2019: As we are all aware of the fact that Asian cuisine is inspired by specific culture and tradition. Asia, being the largest continent in the world, it is a roof to many cuisine and culture. When it comes to regional cuisine, you will be surprised to know that Asia includes East Asian, South-East Asian, Central Asian, South Asian, West Asian and North Asian cuisines. What many of you may not know is, all of the Asian dishes have some common features, for example, cooking practices like stir frying and steaming is found in every Asian restaurant.

Well, visit an Asian buffet restaurant in Houston to try out some of the best dishes prepared in the different parts of Asia, and we bet you are never going to regret it!

East Asian Cuisine – This includes the Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese and Mongolian which contributes to the East Asian cuisine. You will find noodles, rice, soya beans and seafood some of the staple food in this region.

South-East Asian Cuisine – This includes light dishes that has intense aromatic element to it, which comes from citrus and herbs like lime, basil, coriander and so on. Furthermore, the fish sauce is found to be the perfect substitute for soy sauce and many other regular sauces used for cooking. It is observed that this cuisine has a balanced combination of boiling, steaming and stir frying.

Central Asian Cuisine – The style of cooking here is much similar to the other regions of Asia and you will get great combination of fusion dishes here. Horse meat and mutton are the most common meat used for cooking.

South Asian Cuisine – Cuisine belonging to this reason is highly flavored with spices and herbs. Ghee, white oil and other flavored oil are staple element used in preparing South Asian cuisine.

West Asian Cuisine – Dishes prepared in this region mainly are inspired by the Middle East nations and the cooking style is unique in its own way. Olive oil, honey, dates, pitas, mint, parsley, etc. are quite commonly used ingredients that add intense flavor and aroma to the meals. Apart from that, rice, barley and maize are staples.

North Asian Cuisine – This profound cuisine is closely related to Russia cuisine. Fish and cowberries are known to be widely used in preparing this cuisine. Besides this, meat preservation is common here and dishes here have a distinct taste and aroma that one would simply fall in love with!

However, there are several restaurants in Houston that serve some of the best Asian cuisines popular in different parts of Asia, be it Chinese, Thai, Mongolian, Indian, and others. So, try out the Thai or Chinese lunch buffet in Houston and savor the taste of Asian cuisine like never before.