Cnc Machining Service Made Available For Global Customers!


7th June, 2019: In the Engineering Manufacturing Industry CNC machining facility holds an important part. With present day opportunities made available through the Internet, Manufacturing Companies need not install CNC Plans, investing hugely. Instead, they can outsource the same to China CNC machining service, at a negligible cost. An announcement made today by Henrong Industrial Group brings Good News to global customers in this regard.

The announcement informs gladly that their CNC machining factory in China has installed sophisticated and latest Plant and Equipment, purely for the purpose of helping global manufacturers avail those facilities, as and when they need. They justifiably boast that ever since 2003, they are rendering China CNC machining service for machining, sheet metal fabrication and prototyping process of products and custom-made Machine-parts and supplying them promptly.

Henrong Industrial Group has been catering to the needs of 1600 plus global manufacturers. The aspects that make them stand apart from peers is high manufacturing precision up to 0.01 mm, smooth surface, flexible manufacturing volume from one piece prototyping to making millions of products bulk production, and wide range of materials such as aluminum, titanium, stainless steel, copper, brass and machinable plastics etc.

The announcement indicates that their CNC machining service is being used, in assorted fields like Aerospace, Automobile, Consumer Electronics, Electrical Products, Medical Equipment, Robotics and other such fields.
The announcement says their assets are flexible manufacturing capability, professional quality control team to assure International Standards of Manufacturing, and Customer-centric Service. Customers can raise their doubts and get clarifications from their expert Engineering Team, whenever wanted. Henrong says it is a click away at and interested manufacturers from any part of the globe can visit them and get benefited.

Media Contact:
Company: Henrong Industrial Group
Address: Boshan, Zibo, Shandong, China
Telephone: 0086 (0)533 4200-372
