Hide My WP Ghost – The Best Security through Obscurity WordPress Plugin


For Immediate Release:

June, 2019: It is important these days to optimize your online marketing. WordPress is one of the best ways that can help you make money online. It is a must to have the most efficient way to secure your WordPress site successfully. Furthermore, it is a must to know the best security plugins when it comes to WordPress. You need to maximize the security of your site to avoid problems coming from hackers. In response, you should know the best WordPress security plugin that can help to get rid of any problems when it comes to your website.

It is important to know the newest security plugins most especially if you have a substantial business coming from WordPress. Choosing the best WordPress security plugin can prevent hackers from affecting your site. Hide My WP Ghost is the best security through obscurity wordpress plugin that can help you to secure your website. They are a great way to promote products and services across the board for any business. It is the perfect WordPress plugin designed with the combination of innovation with creativity. The plugin ensure that you have all the bells and whistles required to make your site commercially viable. It is a speed optimized plugin too with the average loading time of 0.03s which is faster than 90% of the WordPress plugins.

This hide WordPress plugin can be installed and set up in less than 5 minutes. It was tested with over 1000 other themes and plugins. It works with the most of the popular Cache Plugins, Security Plugins, CDN Plugins, and WordPress Themes. It works with WP multisite on sub-directories and sub-domains. It is created to be a simple, speedy and full protection plugin that adds a complex firewall to your site. Hide My WordPress Ghost can help you to change common paths and hide your URLs from hackers.

A hacker needs to find your login page to use a brute force attack on the login page to gain access. This plugin hide wp-login to protect your website and thus the attacker cannot identify the potential point of entry. In the similar way it hide wp-admin directory which also needs to be protected. Hide My WordPress Ghost plugin limits the rate of login attempts and temporarily blocks the IP address. With one click you can access the Brute Force Protection Settings Tab and simply set up the maximum fail attempts and ban duration.

About the Plugin:
Hide My WP Ghost plugin is the most user-friendly WordPress security plugin that can help you to secure your website. For more details visit https://hidemywpghost.com/

Contact Details:
Author Name: WPPlugins Tips
Business/Company Name: MINBO QRE
Local Address: 300 Main Street, Luna de Sus, Cluj, Romania
Email: contact@wpplugins.tips
