Set up a dual-boot and multi-boot environment with a boot manager


Terabyte is proud to announce the launch of its latest editions of BootIt, version 1.09 for UEFI systems and 1.57 for the traditional computer BIOS. Both editions include several minor fixes and improvements to enhance the reliability of your dual-boot and multi-boot systems. With the new BootIt collection, which includes both versions, users can run multiple operating systems on any type of computer, new or old, that uses a traditional BIOS or the more modern UEFI.

What are the benefits of dual-booting?

Although Windows has long dominated the operating system market, there are many alternatives, and the number is increasing all the time. Linux retains the lion’s share of the server operating system market, and the fact that it’s open-source and available in many different distributions make it one of the most popular operating systems for developers and enthusiasts alike. At the same time, due to the fact that most PC software is still designed for Windows users, you may still want to run a copy of Windows.

Using a boot manager lets you run multiple operating systems on the same computer, choosing between the two whenever you turn it on. This is a lot easier and more efficient than manually switching between different hard drives or partitions, since it lets you use two or more completely different systems easily. This presents a great way to try out different operating systems or test-run pre-release versions while keeping your everyday work in its own self-contained and secure operating environment.

Download the 30-day free trial of the BootIt Collection today at the official website .