FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam (FTRE) – way forward for JEE (Advanced & Main) 2020 aspirants


Every engineering aspirant has a dream of studying in a premium engineering college, a dream that they harbour from their early childhood. The 2 major exams that they need to clear before they can get into their dream college are JEE Main (conducted by National Testing Agency for admission into NIT, IIIT and other government & private colleges) & JEE Advanced (Conducted by IIT for admission into the IIT’s). In spite of all the efforts and hard work, the journey to an engineering college of repute is quite daunting and it is primarily due to the high level of competitiveness in these exams.

As JEE Main & Class XII Board result has already been published, students could possibly find themselves in the following situations:

– Not satisfied with JEE Main Rank as it may not take them to their desired branch or college

– Wants to study in an IIT, but could not qualify for JEE Advanced

– Cleared JEE Main, not satisfied with the level of preparation for JEE Advanced

– Did not appear in JEE Main in 2019 or could not perform optimally in JEE Main, as they focussed on XII board exam. This is a common challenge that most students face, because a substantial portion of questions in JEE Main are asked from Class XI syllabus and due to their focus on Class XII board they miss out on revising class XI syllabus.

Highly focussed and determined students may drop one year and target IITJEE in 2020. Now since there is no school so they can devote their entire time to IITJEE preparation. But before starting the preparatory journey, it is suggested that one should do a good assessment to ascertain the skill gap and analyze the methods of improvement. By doing so, they would be able to formulate a good study plan for next 1 year.

So, that’s where FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam (FTRE) fits in, a national level assessment framework enabling students (who have already completed Class XII Board exam & aspiring for IITJEE) to assess their competency. FTRE report card will reflect the national standing and share insight on the volume of effort required to reach a desired goal within the available time.

Top performers will be awarded scholarships and waivers on course/hostel fees. FTRE will be held on 2nd June, 2019 across India.

FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam is a mechanism by which students can learn about their shortcomings. It has been designed with the intention to help students understand and gainfully use their full potential and fulfil their ultimate dream of joining an engineering college,” says Mr. Partha Halder, Centre Head, FIITJEE Punjabi Bagh Centre

The last date to register for FTRE is 31st May 2019, for more information visit :