ESHO Meeting in Warsaw


From 22 to 25 May, under the leadership of the conference president Professor Lucjan Wyrwicz and his co-president Professor Piotr Rutkowski, experts from over 16 countries met to present and discuss the latest findings in the treatment of cancer taking into account hyperthermia.

In addition to the classic forms of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, new therapies such as immunotherapy or proton therapy have also been included in the discussions this year. We had already indicated the potential of the combination in an article on the combination of immunotherapy and hyperthermia in our medical blog this year and now see, after the ESHO meeting in Poland, our thesis confirmed by the experts! Hyperthemia has positive effects far beyond the classical forms of therapy and can also be used synergistically for the new approaches to cancer treatment for the benefit of our patients.

Full-body hyperthermia, the use of nanoparticles, HIPEC, highly intensive focused ultrasound and thermo ablation have also been given their place in the lectures and discussions among other topics. Impressions and videos will be shown on Facebook, LinkedIn and also in the form of videos on our YouTube channel, which you will find on our homepage

All in all, it was a top-class event, peppered with many new findings, under the organizational management of PTHO, the Society for Hyperthermia in Poland. The President of the Scientific Committee, Professor Gerhard van Rhoon, said that interested parties should make a note of the next date. The further development of hyperthemia will not stand still and will continue to challenge the experts, get the latest results from 27 to 30 September 2020 in Rotterdam.

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