The Best Text Message Marketing Service Real Estate – Using Sentrilock Showing Feedback


Being a real estate agent was once a career that required a lot of footwork. While it is still necessary to physically show homes and be present for open houses and other events, much of the in-person work of being an agent has been reduced and streamlined with modern technology. This has created an easier way for agents to boost sales and simpler ways for buyers to see homes they love without the long waits and potential conflicts that were once common.
Taking Your Business to Your Phone with Text Marketing
Wouldn’t it be nice if interested or prospective home buyers simply text messaged their contact information directly to your mobile phone when they notice a property they like? With SMS marketing software, they can do just that!
The best text message marketing service in real estate is designed to automatically collect information from potential buyers as they request property details via sign rider text numbers assigned to each property. When they text that number, they provide their information and it is directed straight to the mobile phone of the agent using the software. When that property sells, the text ID number can be reassigned to another listing. It’s a simple, automatic way to make gathering leads easier than ever.
Sentrilock Showing Feedback – Making Showing Easier
Want more ways to simplify the property showing process? Consider adding Sentrilock showing feedback to your arsenal. Once showings are completed, it can be difficult to remember what types of feedback might be relevant to each particular property or experience. With automatic feedback being sent to your computer or mobile device via your Sentrilock or other lockbox devices, you’ll never have to guess – all the information you need will be provided for you!
For more information about all of these ways to streamline your job as a real estate agent – from the best text marketing service in real estate to lockbox feedback programs and more – contact your local real estate sales solutions provider.