Nostalgia unfurls in theme based get together of SSC-2004 batch of ZPHS Tripuravaram


This high school has a scintillating record of nurturing thousands of sophomores who passed out as indefatigable learners and had been proving their mark as industrious vertex of the society. Students from proximate 10 villages benefited through this place of education and many among them are soaring the skies; they have had special bonding with the vicinity as their friends hailed from all directions. The students ever studied and the teachers ever taught here have an inseparable connection with the place that is the famed ‘ZPHS Tripuravanam’.

It was the venue for a spectacular theme-based SSC 2003-04 batch get-together held on Sunday, 19 May 2019. The day-long event contained surpassing segments that unfolded the sharings, chronicles of unforgettable past and gave a chance to the attendees to relive one of the typical school days. The alumni now settled in various professions were once an exuberant group of students who commuted to school in bicycles or by walk from surrounding villages- Tripuravaram, Palavaram, Ratnavaram, Srirangapuram, Vallapuram, Palavaram Thanda, Golthanda and Rangaiah Gudem that were formerly part of Nadigudem Mandal of Nalgonda disctrict and are now in Ananthagiri Mandal of Suryapet District, Telangana.

‘Back to school with same benchmates’ was the concept that unveiled on Sunday, otherwise an off, was school-working day for the vibrant alumni along with teachers who got together to reminiscence the schooling times. The day commenced with morning assembly prayer as used to happen after first bell, followed by observing silence and expressing condolences to fellow students Madasu Venkateshwarlu, Mattapalli Srinivas Goud, who passed away in tragic accident while returning from Physics (Science Paper I) exam held in external exam center at Old Nandigudam Mandal, Shri.Bixamaiah sir and Shri.Konda Venkata Narayana, the former headmasters of the school. The alumni sat at same places with their respective bench-mates in the classroom that was in their 10th grade, had attendance marked by the class teacher- Seetha Ramaraju sir who mimed punishing the late-comers, taking Maths class, asking formulae and giving imposition to those who failed to answer. The other teachers- Shri.Murali Manohar (Telugu), Shri.Jayaram Reddy (Biology) shared some insights on ethical values; Shri.Aitipamula Yadagiri (Hindi), Shri.Yakoob Ali (Physics), Shri.Mallesham (Hindi), Vidya Volunteers Narsi Reddy (Science) and Mamidi Narsimha Rao (Social) also shared their time with the get together batch.

The event conglomerated the memories of numerous happy times and the sadness of accident that took two of their classmates and left few others injured during their SSC exams as they had to travel as a group of 35 in 3 tractors to the external exam center. The alumni felicitated the teachers, presented them plants to honor the practice of growing plants incited from sixth grade which now accounts for big trees around the school premises. The group lunch awakened a lot of chirpy memories as the attendees conversed with their batch-mates and dined with their teachers. They shared about their current jobs, endeavors, funny and emotional experiences connected with their schooling as moreover the teachers, some of them retired already, were all excited to having seen each other after 15 years. The conversations drifted with memories of all the past they could recollect and about the beloved teachers- Dhanamurthy, Venu Gopal, Sharada, Krishnaiah, PET Yadagiri, Telugu teacher- Venkatesham, Hari Prasad, Aadam Kumar and Asha jyothi who taught them in the school.

This theme based get together was conceptualized by public relations professional G.Jayaram with the support of Tokala Veerababu, Tejaswi, K.Upendar, L.Nagaraju, Pramod and other friends. It took about two months to connect with everyone via phone calls, forming a WhatsApp group, agreeing to get together and eventually meeting at their school campus to celebrate the memories of schooling along with the teachers. The day went by with amusing activities, reliving the experience of class room lessons, everyone felt the unspeakable fun packed within the walls of the classroom, called it a day with heavy emotions, loads of photos, selfies besides vowing to meet as often as possible in every occasion on their way to carry out some good and charitable activities for the benefit of their priceless Alma mater.