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The belt comes with 5 holes, but Gucci will add an additional 2 holes complimentary, so you can have up to 7. Anything after that you will have to get done at your local leather shop. It takes no more than 5 min for Gucci to add the holes.

I honestly have no idea what size I got in the black version. I think it was maybe a 95 or 100? This was at the time when they were very difficult to find, so as soon as my local Gucci store had one in stock, I purchased it immediately. The black belt was still a little too big, even with the additional holes, so I took it to Deno’s in Dallas and they ended up cutting 3 inches off. The only downside to this was they had to cut at the base where the logo is (not at the end of the belt), so I lost all the stamping with the serial number, size, etc. This would just be a disadvantage if you plan to resell because there really isn’t a way to guarantee the authenticity at that point. But I plan to keep mine forever, so I didn’t mind.

I bought my brown belt (samereplica gucci purses pouches exact style), this past June in size 85 and still had the Gucci store add 2 additional holes. This one was not cut down, but it is 1 inch longer than the black version. If available, I would have picked an 80 because that would have been the best fit. But, I love that by having additional belt holes I’m able to wear with jeans lower on my waist, or up high with skirts/dresses. It gives the belt more versatility, which is great since it is an investment.

I’m a 25/26 in jeans and think the 80 would be the best fit. But really, if you buy one larger, you’ll be able to make it fit your waist with minor alterations no matter what. Gucci has a size guide on their site for reference too.
My Gucci belt has to be my most worn designer piece in my wardrobe. I throw it on with anything to elevate even the most basic outfits. It’s my quick trick to make an outfit feel pulled together. I’ve always been a fan of how belts seem to do that, but the Double G buckle really puts an elegant touch on this belt. Earlier this year, I wrote my Guide To Buying A Gucci Belt – read that HERE for all the details on sizing, colors and where to score one. I wanted to do a quick update to that post since so many of you still reach out asking for sizing and styling advice. Here are the most frequently asked questions that I get.At $450 a Gucci belt definitely isn’t cheap, but compared to other luxury belts, it’s fairly priced – especially for the quality. I recently ordered a different luxury designer belt and I have to say I was pretty disappointed with the replica gucci shoes quality. I won’t say which brand, but it’s one of my favorite handbag brands and I couldn’t believe how it paled in comparison to my Gucci belt. The Gucci leather is soft, but sturdy and the gold hardware buckle is secured really well so it doesn’t feel flimsy. In my opinion, a Gucci belt is totally worth the price tag