Cheesemaking.Shop opens online in USA and Canada


With Leon the Milkman from expanding his dairy and cheese making training, he has now opened https://Cheesemaking.Shop to supply cheese making ingredients in the USA and Canada, shipping out from New Jersey.

The shop has a base in the Facebook group at “Cheese making and dairy science” with 5748 members at the time of writing this.

Although starting out as supplying home cheese makers, hobbyists and preppers with the skills and cheese making supplies, you can email for wholesale options. This is meant to supply small and medium producers of dairy products, like yoghurt and cheese.

When going to the online shop, you can click on the “Blog” button for a range of informative
cheese related articles, answering specific frequently asked questions in the cheese making enthusiast communities. These articles and recipes are updated from time to time as new information arises, and to keep the content fresh and relevant.

Some products include animal calf rennet, which is the original rennet as Mother Nature intended it. This rennet works well on raw milk, same as what a suckling calf would get from its mother.

We also supply lacto-vegetarian microbial rennet where Halal and Kosher is a requirement.

Cheese cultures supplied includes mesophilic (moderate temperature starter cultures) and
thermophilic (heat-loving high temperature starter cultures) and blends of the two.

We are promoting the idea of “Thinking Cheese Makers” as opposed to recipe followers that make inconsistent cheese, depending if everything goes right on that day or not. We want people to understand the principles of why they are following certain steps in a recipe (I prefer the word “Method”), so they can fix problems as, or before, they arise in the cheese making process. Understanding why a step is followed and the influence it has on the cheese, enables the artisan cheese maker to develop new cheeses with more confidence and safety to the consumer. It also shrinks losses when applying tried knowledge.

When preppers include the processing of milk into their plans, it is important that they get the maximum benefit from the available milk. It is recommended that they apply pasteurization to milk that is to be kept for some days and that they can make a variety of products that has a decent yield and range of shelf lives from medium to long term. It is especially important to make some long-term maturing hard cheeses for winter, when less or no milk is available. Remember that the original reason for making cheese was to preserve milk, get some variety into the diet and concentrate milk to make it easier to travel with; cheese being lighter and able to last outside at moderately cool temperatures.

Cheesemaking.Shop is here to help with info, recipes and supplies. We hope to welcome you to the online shop soon.