MBA in Health Care Management is an apt career choice for candidates possessing in-depth knowledge about the health $1 trillion U.S hospital industry continuous expanding health care management .survey of practicing manager health care report that this course is highly recommend in foreign as well as in our country health care Management is a one of the best course regarding hospital industry care sector and good communication skills Health science, biotechnology, physiotherapy, microbiology, medicine, etc. Making them eligible for the course.
There are 100000 number of people work in health care now in U.S there is wide scope in MBA health management job oppournuity are available at every level at every variety of health care at present pass few year health care generate 3 million new jobs health care in simple mind blowing career oppournuity
Even without nursing course or medical background a health care management is a best move for any type of student background many people thinks that doctors and nurses are specialized for these work but now a health care management is approve highly demanding course now in India with best income and job security many expert caution that without a MBA health care course impossible to work in executive health care centre
salary package
Students with the MBA, healthcare management degrees, directly join in the senior levels and can earn between INR 4.5 lakh to 12 lakh per annum. The pay package for MBA graduates are higher than that of MHA student, and the maximum salary can reach 25 lakh per annum.
The Rai university is the one of the best university in India which is providing MBA health care management courses and providing placement in top hospital industry`.
contact us :-
Saroda, Dholka Taluka, Ahmedabad, Gujarat – 382260, mo. no. 8980004322, 8980004323