Brand MOONSTAR participates in International Beauty and Spa Expo 2019


Izuk Impex the company behind the brand Moonstar, participated in International Beauty and Spa Expo 2019 on 6th – 7th May held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. The company used the platform to make its presence felt in the growing hair care and skin care market. The company was earlier into henna-based hair colors and has now come out with cream-based hair color and various products for hair and skin care. All these products were showcased at the beauty expo.
The brand organized live demo of hair spa and facial products. Any customer who wanted to try out these products could take a session from the beauty experts present there. Most of the customers were satisfied with the result.
“By participating in the international beauty expo we are expanding our horizon and reaching out to customers at international level. We have hair colors, hair cream mask / spa, hair styling Wax, HAIR- DO color hair wax for parties. Apart from that we have facial kits also under the brands Moonstar and Body Ethicks. We also have charcoal based products that will help revitalize skin. Products such as scrub and face wash with activated charcoal and charcoal-based peel off mask will add to the beauty of the person using these products. Our products are best in quality that comes in reasonable prices. We also make sure that products have reasonable prices so that hair care and skin care can reach larger number of people,” says Athar Aftab, MD, Izuk Impex.
It is expected that the hair care market will grow at about 7.86% during 2018-2023. And cosmetics market in India is expected to rise at a compounded rate of 25%. “The force that is helping the hair care and skin care market grow is the continuous focus of people towards their physical appearance. The trend is greater among men which is emerging as the highest growth sectors in personal care,” he adds.
All the products are available in the market both online and physical stores. For the convenience of the consumer the company has doled out the products in various packaging. In parlor pack, we also have smaller packs which are suitable for the individual users and larger packs for the parlors. However, consumers can buy any pack according to their needs. Izuk Impex has been a manufacturer and exporter of herbal henna products since 1917. The USP of the products is that it can be easily applied and instantly gives results along with a very reasonable price.
Where purity is priority, Izuk Impex is a renowned name and an established manufacturer, supplier and exporter of exotic range of premium quality herbal based hair color and other herbal Products. Empowered with previous experience and vast resources, Izuk Impex has brands like Moonstar, Hairdo, Real Tone and Body Ethicks, that provides a range of natural products that include: Henna based Hair Colors, NATURAL Henna, Herbal Henna Tattoo, Charcoal Peel of Mask , Face Scrubs, face wash , face pack , Facial and massage Creams, Hair Wax, Hair Oil, Lip Balm etc.