South Kentucky RECC Integrates QEI SCADA System with ACLARA AMI meters and Implements QEI’s Volt-Var Optimization


QEI successfully integrated the South Kentucky RECC QEI SCADA System with TWACs (ACLARA) system meters (GEI2-
10) using Multispeak.
With this implementation, South Kentucky captures instantaneous meter values during Load Management activity,
by implementing InitiateMeterReadsByfieldName, for instantaneous values spread through three (3) read requests
every fifteen minutes, with scaling capabilities to have a scaled value in the SCADA database from Multispeak. Included was meter date and time to be read from ACLARA TWACS.
This implementation allows South Kentucky to maximize the use the TWACs meters as end-of-line voltage monitors
and perform peak demand reduction via the QEI SCADA System Volt-VAR application.
South Kentucky RECC serves approximately 66,763 members in parts of thirteen counties In Kentucky and Tennessee.