Photo Retouching Service


Now our retouching service is compulsory for online business. To present any product we need to make attraction in that particular product. You know flipkart, snapdeal and Myntra are selling their product online. And earning a good money from their business. You know all of them are using the retouching service.Retouching GuidelinesThe general term “Retouching” can be categorized under the Headshot, Commercial, Beauty and Creative Retouching.Each of these areas are depond on the catogery of quality of the editing. If we are going to use the pic into cosmetic then we will have to edit the pic highly.So how do we determine the category (its implicit techniques and time allocations) to be applied to an image?¬¬¬ The following questions can help you evaluate which category your image falls under and how much time typically required to retouch one image.¬¬1. Who is the client and what is the image to be used for?2. How many images are to be retouched and delivered?If you can answer both of these questions before you begin retouching it will give you an outline as to what is required (print vs. web) and how much time you can afford spending on each image.As mentioned above, each retouching “category” will still have its own set of reference points that we need to follow to achieve the desired end result.Headshot RETOUCHINGIn Headshot Retouching we typically try and keep all of the personal qualities and characteristics of the person’s appearance intact. The image should appear as if it hasn’t been retouched. Headshots and Model Tests are generally considered in this category, as they require depicting the subject as naturally as possible for them to be given potential work based on their actual appearance.• We should target to leave all permanent features like spots, freckles, eyebags and moles in. Depending on the image, you may even wish to emphasize or reduce the intensity of these features. However, non-permanent features like pimples, redness of skin, bruises are typically cleaned up, minimized 0r removed completely.• The skin should be natural. Because when we work on the skin we need to be careful otherwise skin will be look awackward. In female beauty Headshots, the skin texture is typically evened out to look flattering, but not polished to perfection.• If you choose or are asked to improve skin texture, add contrast, color correct and sharpen the image – keep it subtle. Do not detract from the original image or depiction of the subject.The retouching is a creative thing it cannot be learnt by books are by asking anybody. It is totally depond on practice. But Everything is possible in this modern time. So use our service to keep a space in the modern market of digital.