Best Watch for The Survivalist


A trip to the sporting goods store will reveal several types of spears and the related spear guns available for both fresh water and salt water spear fishing. Traditionally, spear fishing used simple trident shaped barbed hooks on the three ends of the spear. The trident was made from wood or some other lightweight metal and consisted of sharpened tips on each of its three prongs. There are usually two main styles of spear guns which you can purchase. The first is powered by a rubber band setup which releases the spear. The second one is pneumatic or air powered. Most pneumatic type guns can be quickly reloaded and requires no outside source of air since its air is contained in the chamber. Various sizes of spears are available that can be the size of an arrow and up.

If you have decided you would like to dive while spear fishing you will need to plan your budget accordingly. You will find that you need to purchase snorkeling or scuba gear as well as obtaining some training in your equipments use before you can get started. Since your scuba equipment will represent an important investment in your well being it is important that you double check it each time you dive in order to ensure it is working properly. As a true survivalist and diver you should always carry on you some sort of protective equipment in the event of an underwater entanglement, to kill a speared fish or perhaps a shark encounter, therefore it is recommended that you always maintain a sharp knife when spear fishing. Should you decide that you wish to fish in the murky deeper type waters you should consider a spear gun which is made for spearing fish that are close by you.

While scuba diving you should be aware that some areas are home to a variety of sharks and the mere act of killing fish in those water will more then likely attract these creatures rather quickly. You should find out what the best method is to kill the fish without undo attraction for the local sharks. In the same sense you should brush up on shark knowledge prior to going spear fishing. Some types of sharks are less aggressive when compared to other types and even those which are aggressive can be successfully dealt with when not in their attack mode. Properly knowing which types of shark you may be dealing with will help you determine your course of action when you encounter these underwater creatures.