Tech meets Fashion at CORNELIANI


Corneliani coalesces innovation and success with their new range of tech bags and jacket

Corneliani, an Italian luxury men’s wear brand always believes in creating pieces that are high on fashion yet meets the day to day needs of the people. Imagine being stuck at a place where your phone runs out of battery? Frightening isn’t it?

Bringing a new revolution in fashion domain, Corneliani launches their new range of tech driven merchandise with inbuilt power-banks. Well, now you don’t have to carry an extra power-bank or charger every time you walk out of home and can charge your phones on the go.

This new range of bags and jackets combines fashion with technology and are designed especially for people who are constantly lugging around everything and are often in hurry. The bags and jacket come with an inbuilt charger designed to charge the device by induction just by putting it in the pocket. The accessory is equipped with a silver sheet to protect from harmful radiations.

So no more battery drainage and you are always charged up!

Available at Corneliani boutiques:

Delhi: DLF Emporio, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi # 011-46040711/22
Bangalore: No 18 & 19, The Collection, No 24 UB City Mall, Vittal Mallya Road, Bangalore # 080-41738170