Numero Uno Spring Summer ‘19 collection


To mark the beginning of a fresh new season, Numero Uno- India’s oldest jeanswear and fashion wear brand launches its Summer Spring 2019 collection.

Numero Uno offers a wide array of T-shirts, polos, sweatshirts, jackets, joggers and jeggings for both men and women targeting the growing base of fitness shoppers of India. Their SS19 collection has been categorized into 3 themes- Feeling natural, In touch and Creative manifesto. The entire range has been inspired by nature, explores to reconnect with things that move us emotionally & physically especially color & its power to soothe or energize. The collection celebrates individuality with high contrast patterns, strong silhouettes & off-beat colours.
One of the new additions in the collection is the graphic/Magic tees where the print color changes as you move from indoor to outdoors. The key highlights are the youth & street inspired attitude tees & slogan tees which are self-expressive and in likes of the youth. Prints are bio-inspired & ditsy-floral & retro-geometric, accompanied by checks & stripes.

Been one of India’s first indigenously manufactured denim labels, Numero Uno always introduces a new element to their ‘Denim realm’; this time, the denims range named Amekazi takes inspiration from native American culture, military clothing & vintage denim style, amalgamated with Japanese design to form a distinctive Japanese-American aesthetic . They have introduced the indigos spanning a wide range from pale, sun-faded & bleached out blues to brighter mid-tones, vintage & heavily washed, to very deep raw clean look denims. Frayed denims with boro-inspired repairing are also a highlight of this very collection.