Duisburg, Nord-Rhein Westfalia (April 24th, 2019) — CloudiFacturing launched a new Second Open Call for its project. The goal is to draw your attention to the upcoming Call / Request for Proposals to initiate the creative process of generating ideas for Application Experiments. These Application Experiments are dedicated sub-projects with a one-year duration that are executed within the scope of CloudiFacturing.

From June 1st. to September 30th. 2019, startups, SMEs or manufacturing companies (end-users) are able to submit their applications at . The Second Open Call submission process will be posted on the CloudiFacturing website between May and June 2019.

With our Second Open Call, we are looking for innovative use cases. They shall clearly state in their proposal, their industrial impact for the involved manufacturing companies, based on their expected benefit from exploiting computational engineering and production services and workflows powered by the CloudiFacturing technology. The use cases need to be driven by the end user; in other words, a manufacturing company, preferably an SME.

“It will be a fantastic opportunity for small enterprises to enter and be part of the digitalization era and this way, to be able to face the new challenges of the future”, said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andre Stork, Coordinator of the Innovation Action CloudiFacturing.

An overall European Comission contribution of roughly 700kEuros will be granted to seven or more Application Experiments that have been chosen by the selection process. On the other hand, selected proposers will have the opportunity to gather experience with HPC/Cloud Computing technologies for their specific use case; explore technical benefits; improve processes with the new information attained; leverage the CloudiFacturing Digital Marketplace being developed as a new distribution channel, among others.

Digital Innovation Hubs will help you prepare a high-quality proposal. If you are interested in our Open Call or have any questions about it, please contact one of our five DIHs spread all over Europe:
-Southwest Europe – Insomnia Consulting, Elena Femenía:
-South Europe – STAM, Marco Barbagelata:
-Southeast and northeast Europe – Innomine, Gabor Vicze: and Technical University of Ostrava, Tomas Karásek:
-Northwest and north Europe – SmartFactory KL / DFKI, Simon Bergweiler:

If you are interestd or have further questions, you can also contact us at:

About CloudiFacturing

CloudiFacturing – Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing – is a European Innovation Action (IA) in the framework of Factories of the Future (FoF) with the mission of optimizing production processes and producibility, using Cloud/HPC-based modelling and simulation, and leveraging online factory data with advanced data analytics; thus, contributing to the competitiveness and resource efficiency manufacturing companies, especially SMEs. To pursue this mission, computationally demanding production engineering and simulation as well as data analytics tools are to be provided as Cloud services to ease accessibility and make their use more affordable.
There are 33 partners involved in the project and the Coordinator of the Innovation Action CloudiFacturing is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andre Stork from Fraunhofer IGD.
More information visit our website: