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loaneum P2P Lending
The Weekly Happenings

]]>Hope you guys had a great weekend! Another jam-packed week on the blog coming up. Check it out.The Week to Come:Monday: Top Ten Authors with Daniel WallsTuesday: We wrap up January with our Month In Review featureWednesday: Waiting on Wednesday, Kristen reviews Fallen Angel by Heather TerrellThursday: Link a Contest Thursday, Kristen reviews Shades of Atlantis by Carol OatesFriday: Kristen talks about Love your Library month on The Library Corner, Kristen interviews Carol Oates, April reviews The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth EulbergSaturday: Blogger SpotlightSunday: In My MailboxThe Week in Rewind:Monday: April reviewed The Pace by Shelena Shorts and our giveaway for a copy of Wereling by Steve Feasey began.Tuesday: Kristen reviewed The Vyne: The Mystery of the Hidden Ember by Daniel WallsWednesday: Waiting on